Vanessa Pokuaa Adjei Prepatory School is a part of the Vanessa Pokuaa Adjei Project. This is a Preparatory schools that offers tuition free basic education to children in and around Adansi Ayokoa in the Adansi South District of the Ashanti Region.

The Owner and CEO,Mr. Samuel Achirem believes that Education and good health is the key to a brighter future for the community. In view of the above he established the Vanessa Pokuaa Adjei Prepatory School to provide quality basic tuition free education to the children in the community.

The school was established in 2016 and begins from kindergarten to upper Primary.

The school has a total enrollment of about 150 children. The school also has a bus that transports children to and from school ensuring their utmost safety.

The school has quality trained teachers who are passionate about imparting knowledge to the next generation of world leaders.